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Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conferences

Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conferences

The MAA, with funding from the Division of Mathematical Sciences at the National Science Foundation, provides support for institutions or groups of institutions that wish to initiate or expand undergraduate mathematics conferences designed to attract students throughout the region of the host campus.

The primary objective of the grant is to provide as many undergraduate students as possible with the opportunity to present mathematically-oriented talks and to better expand their knowledge of the wide range of theory, history, and applications of the mathematics sciences at conferences that are within their geographic region. The review committee is particularly interested in expanding the program to regions of the country that do not traditionally offer undergraduates an opportunity to give mathematical presentations.

For information on how to apply, see Applications.

Supported Conferences

    For information on future conferences supported by the MAA RUMC program in the current academic year, see Supported Conferences.

    For information on past conferences, including tips for future organizers on what works, see Past Conferences.

Further Information

The following articles will be of interest to potential applicants for support, as well as those wanting to learn more about the MAA RUMC program:

Please contact Doug Faires, the Program Director, at with questions about the RUMC program.

Doug Faires has created this web page to help in the distribution of information that might be of use to people who are directing undergraduate conferences in mathematics.

The MAA Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conferences program is supported by National Science Foundation grant DMS-0846477.