Editor's Notes, July 2004 - Internal Pages

David A. Smith

Once you select an article, module, mathlet, etc., the appearance of the page changes somewhat.  Of course, you are already seeing those changes with this document, but I will continue to point out a few features and functions.

The Search box remains, but below it you see descriptions and links to related materials (if any).  These Notes link to new content, but future Notes, might link, for example, to earlier Notes.

In the main body of the page, your eye may be drawn first to the navigation box in the upper right corner, which includes forward/back buttons and options for a "printer friendly" version (meaning all pages in one document), e-mailing a link to a friend, and your personal "bookshelf" (a collection of bookmarks, not books).

At the top of each content page, you will see the category and subjects for the item -- linked to lists of all the other items with the same assignments.  The rest of the links on each page should be self-explanatory.  The bottom of the starting page will usually contain a linked Table of Contents, and the bottom of every page will have numbered links to all other pages (if the document has more than one page), plus a text link to the next page (if any).

Most items (articles, modules, etc.) link to supplementary pages -- sometimes in our database, sometimes on other sites -- that open new browser windows.  These pages are not included among the numbered pages, and their appearance is not goverened by the "main page" rules.  In particular, they have no "next" or "previous" pages -- but sometimes a "close window" button.  Of course, you can always close the window in the usual way -- or leave it open and go back to the main window.