A Timeline for a Job Search in Mathematics - JANUARY - THE JOINT MATHEMATICS MEETINGS

Cameron Sawyer
  1. Attend the Joint Mathematics Meeting, where you should interview and give a talk (see August) or present a poster (see Late November/Early December).
  2. Take initiative at the meeting. Contact schools that interest you from whom you have not heard or from whom you did not get a computer-scheduled interview. You can contact them by leaving a note in their box in the Employment Center or by leaving a note for a member of the department on the message board.  Remember to check back to see if you got a response.  Again, you will discover that many schools set things up at the last minute!
  3. Make friends and exchange e-mails with other job applicants.  It is helpful to have people with whom to compare experiences.  These friends are also very valuable when it comes to negotiating your contract, because you can refer to each other's offers to get a better deal!