Technology in the Upper-Level Curriculum - References

Ellen J. Maycock

Dubinsky, E., and U. Leon (1993), Learning Abstract Algebra with ISETL, Springer-Verlag

Foote, R., and N. Fouts (1998), PoincaréDraw, Crawfordsville, IN

The GAP Group (2000), GAP--Groups, Algorithms and Programming, Version 4.2; Aachen , St. Andrews

Geissinger, L. (1989), Exploring Small Groups, now available only through (Parker, 1996)

Hibbard, A., and K. Levasseur (1999), Exploring Abstract Algebra with Mathematica,  TELOS/Springer-Verlag

Jackiw, N. (1992-95), The Geometer's Sketchpad, Key Curriculum Press

Lénárt, I. (undated), Lénárt Sphere, Key Curriculum Press

Parker, E. Maycock (1995), "A Laboratory Experience in Group Theory," UME Trends, vol. 6, no. 6, p.24

Parker, E. Maycock (1996), Laboratory Experiences in Group Theory, The Mathematical Association of America

Schattschneider, D. (1997), "Visualization of Group Theory Concepts with Dynamics Geometry Software," in Geometry Turned On, D. Schattschneider and J. King, eds., The Mathematical Association of America

Wolfram, S. (1988-2000), Mathematica, Wolfram Research, Inc.