DRILL 3.1 - Instructor Accounts

Vadim Ponomarenko

Instructors have a variety of easy-to-use options at their disposal. The first screen they encounter is this:

instructor homepage

By clicking on their name, instructors can access their account management screen. Here they can enter an e-mail address and change their account password.

account management screen

Instructors can create, manage, or view their classes. Here is the create-class screen:

class creation

In the class management screen, an instructor can assign exams to a class.

class management

When viewing a class, the instructor gets a wealth of statistics. Each student is listed, with student ID and a link to send e-mail. Each student's performance on each exam is listed.

view class, page 1

Also, an instructor gets a list of all assigned exams and can see their details.

view class, page 2

The instructor's exam-management screen allows several options.

exam management

It is simple to assign an exam to a class.

assign exam

Creating an exam is also easy. The two-dimensional aspect of this process will be discussed on Page 15, but the routine portions are shown here. The instructor can get help by clicking on any of the underlined topics, which are explained individually below.

create an exam, part 1

Each exam has a unique name. The instructor can select the length, the number of errors allowed so that a student will pass, a time limit and an attempt limit. Also, the instructor can decide whether a student can take the exam for "practice" -- that is, without counting against the above limits. The instructor can also decide whether to give context-sensitive help on errors. Finally, the instructor can decide whether the questions should be evenly distributed among all available questions or whether they should be chosen randomly (with the potential of asking some types more than others)