Guidelines for JOMA Authors - Audience

David Smith and Kyle Siegrist

As noted earlier, the most likely reader for an article is a college mathematics faculty member – even if the reader's response to the article is to say, "I need to point (some of) my students to this article." The same applies to articles in the Developers' Area.

The most likely initial reader of a module or a mathlet is also a faculty member, but the body of the module or mathlet must be written as though it is intended to speak directly to a student. That is, a module or mathlet should be student-ready so its initial readers can just assign it to one or more students. Material intended for the instructor only should go in a separate document, the Instructor's Notes (or Notes for the Instructor or whatever). This separate document will be linked as a pop-up from the front page.


Design of a Thrilling Roller Coaster is a module (or series of modules, depending on how you look at it) that has a For the Instructor link on the front page. Apart from that pop-up page, the text is consistently directed toward student readers.