Milestones of Mathematics

Lynn Godshall, reviewer

Milestones of Mathematics ($29.95) is a wall-size timeline of mathematics. It can be purchased from Carolina Mathematics, 2700 York Road, Burlington, NC 27215. 1-800-334-551 or


Milestones of Mathematics is a two-piece laminated wall poster (24" by 36" each) that presents a rather concise history of mathematics. It is filled with graphics of mathematicians and mathematical problems. It highlights the contributions made to mathematics by many cultures. Many students are probably familiar with many of these milestones – counting, quadratic equations, deductive proof, and the Hindu-Arabic decimal place system but there are other achievements mentioned that are probably unfamiliar to them. These include the base 20 and base 60 number systems, the method of exhaustion, perspective in painting, and the structural approach to Algebra. The poster is quite up-to-date, and it includes the computer, fractal geometry, and the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem. Each event is illustrated, dated, and captioned to show its importance. The booklet that accompanies the poster was written by Dr. Victor Katz and clearly details each of the forty-five milestones; suggested references are provided for further reading and study. The poster is quite attractive, and its multi-cultural approach complements the mathematics being done in the classroom. It is truly nice to see up-dated pictures of these famous mathematicians!

Lynn Godshall, Susquehanna Township High School, Harrisburg, PA