Portrait Gallery

Frank J. Swetz

The following images are to be used for educational/instructional purposes only.  Those denoted by an asterisk * are supplied by the Dibner Library of Science and Technology, The Smithsonian Institution Libraries, and their usage must conform to the Library’s rules and standards.  Those denoted by a # sign come from the Smith Collection at Columbia University.  Finally, those marked by a % sign are sketches by Jemma Lorenat of Simon Fraser University.  Note that portraits of mathematicians from earlier than the fifteenth century are only suggestive.  We hope that readers will supply further portraits.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N-Z


Aaboe, Asger Hartvig (1922 - 2007)


Abel, Niels Henrik (1802 - 1829)


Abraham, Max (1875 – 1922)


Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843 )


Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962)


Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799)


Airy, George B. (1801 - 1892)#


Al-Biruni, Ahmad ( 973 - 1048)  (A second portrait)


Al-Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 – 1450)


Al-Khwarizmi (ca. 800 - 847)  (A second portrait)


Al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din (1201 – 1274)


Albert, Abraham Adrian (1905 - 1972)


Alcuin of York (735 - 804)


Apianus, Petrus (1495 - 1552)#  (a second portrait)


Apollonius of Perga (c. 262 BCE - 190 BCE)


Archimedes (287 BCE - 212 BCE)*


Archytas of Tarentum (428 BCE - 350 BCE)


Arnauld, Antoine (1612 - 1694)#


Aronhold, Siegfried Heinrich (1819 - 1884)


Artin, Emil (1898 - 1962)


Atiyah, Michael (1929 -  )


Babbage, Charles (1791 - 1871)*


Bachet, Claude (1581 - 1638)


Bacon, Roger (1214 – 1292)


Baker, Henry (1866 – 1956)


Banach, Stefan (1892 - 1945)


Barrow, Isaac (1630 - 1677)*


Bayes, Thomas (1702 - 1761)


Beatty, Samuel (1881-1970)


Bede, The Venerable (c. 673-735)


Beg, Ulūgh (1393 – 1449)


Behnke, Heinrich (1898 - 1979)


Bell, Eric Temple (1883-1960)%


Beltrami, Eugenio (1835-1900)


Bernays, Paul (1888-1977)


Bernoulli, Daniel (1700 - 1782)*


Bernoulli, Jakob (1654-1705)


Bernoulli, Johann I (1667 - 1748)*


Bernoulli, Johann II (1710- 1790)*


Bernoulli, Johann III (1744 - 1807)


Bernstein, Sergei (1880 - 1968)


Besicovitch, Abram (1891 - 1970)


Bessel, Wilhelm (1784 - 1846)


Betti, Enrico (1823 - 1892)


Bézout, Étienne (1730 - 1783)#  (A second portrait)


Bing, R. H. (1914 - 1986)


Birkhoff, Garrett D. (1911 - 1996)


Blackwell, David (1919 - 2010)


Blaschke, Wilhelm (1885 – 1962)


Blichfeldt, Hans F. (1873 - 1945)


Bliss, Gilbert Ames (1876 - 1951)


Boeschenstein, Johann (1472 - 1540)


Boethius, Anicus (480 - 524)#


Bolyai, Janos (1802 - 1860)


Bolzano, Bernard (1781 - 1848)*


Bombelli, Rafael (1526 - 1572)


Bonnet, Pierre Ossian (1819 – 1892)


Boole, George (1815 - 1864)


Borel, Armand (1923 - 2003)  (A second portrait)


Borel, Emile (1871 - 1956)


Bossut, Charles (1730 - 1814)


Bougainville, Louis Antoine de (1729 - 1811)


Bowditch, Nathaniel (1773 - 1838)


Brahe, Tycho (1546 - 1601)  (A second # and third # portrait)


Brauer, Richard (1901 - 1977)


Brouncker, Lord W. (1620 - 1684)


Brouwer, Lutzen E. J. (1881 - 1966)


Bunyakovsky, Viktor (1804 - 1889)


Bürgi, Jobst (or Joost or Jost) (1552 - 1632)


Burnside, William (1852 - 1927)


Byron, Ada (Lady Lovelace) (1815 - 1852)


Cajori, Florian  (1859 - 1930)


Cantor, Georg (1845 - 1918)


Cantor, Moritz (1829 - 1920)*


Caratheodory, Constantin (1873 - 1950)


Cardano, Girolamo (1501 - 1576)


Carlyle, Thomas (1795 - 1881)


Carnot, Nicolas Sadi (1796 - 1832)


Cartan, Elie Joseph (1869 - 1951)


Cartan, Henri Paul (1904 - 2008)


Cartwright, Mary Lucy (1900 - 1998)


Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625 - 1712)


Catalan, Eugène (1814 - 1894)#


Cauchy, Augustin Louis (1789 - 1857)*


Cavalieri, Buenaventura (1598 - 1647)


Cayley, Arthur (1821 - 1895)*


Cesaro, Ernesto (1859 - 1906)


Chasles, Michel (1793 - 1880)*


Châtelet, Émilie du (1706 - 1749)  (A second # and third # portrait)


Chebyshev, Pafnuty (1821 - 1894)


Cheng Dawei (1533 - 1606)


Chern, Shing-Shen (1911 - 2004)


Chrysippus (280 - 206 BCE)#


Church, Alonzo (1903-1995)


Clairaut, Alexis Claude (1713 - 1765)*


Clausen, Thomas (1801 - 1888)


Clavius, Christoph (1538 - 1612)*


Clifford, William K. (1845 - 1879)


Cohen, Paul (1934 - 2007)


Cole, Frank N. (1861 - 1926)#


Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat (1743 - 1794)*


Cook, Stephen (1939- )


Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473 - 1543)


Cotes, Roger (1682 - 1716)


Courant, Richard (1888-1972 )


Coxeter, H. S. M. (1907 - 2001)


Crelle, August (1780 - 1855)


Cremona, Luigi (1830 - 1903)


D'Alembert, Jean le Rond (1717 - 1783)# (A second# portrait)


Dantzig, George (1914 – 2005)


Darboux, Jean Gaston (1842 - 1917)


De Bougainville, Louis Antoine (1729-1811)


Dedekind, Richard (1831 - 1916)


Dee, John (1527 - 1608)*


Dehn, Max (1878 - 1972)


Delambre, Jean (1749 - 1822)


Deligne, Pierre (1944 -  )


Democritus (460 - 370 BCE)#


De Moivre, Abraham (1667 - 1754)


De Morgan, Augustus (1806 - 1871) (A second# portrait)


De Rham, Georges (1903 - 1990)


Desargues, Girard (1591 - 1662)


Descartes, René (1596 - 1650)*


De Witt, Jan (1623 —1672)


Dickson, Leonard E. (1874 – 1954)


Dini, Ulisse (1845 - 1918)


Dirichlet, Gustav P. L. (1805 - 1859)


Dodgson, Charles [Lewis Carroll] (1832 - 1896) (A second# and third portrait)


Douglas, Jesse (1897 - 1965)


Du Bois-Reymond, Paul (1831 - 1889)


Dürer, Abrecht (1471 - 1528)


Dyck, Walther von (1856 – 1934)


Eckmann, Beno (1917 - 2008)


Edgeworth, Francis (1845 – 1926)


Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1876 - 1964)*


Eilenberg, Samuel (1913 - 1998)


Einstein, Albert (1879 - 1955)


Eisenstein, Ferdinard Gotthold (1890 - 1962)


Enriques, Federigo (1871 - 1946)


Erdós, Paul (1913 - 1996)


Euclid (c. 300 BCE)


Euler, Leonhard (1707 - 1783)*


Eves, Howard (1911 - 2004)


Fatio, Nicolas (1664 - 1753)


Faulhaber, Johann (1580 - 1635)


Fatou, Pierre (1878 - 1929)


Fawcett, Philippa Garrett (1868—1948)


Fermat, Pierre de (1601 - 1665)


Feuerbach, Karl (1800 - 1834)


Feynman, Richard (1918-1988)


Fine, Henry Burchard (1858-1928)%


Fine, Nathan J. (1916 - 1994)


Fine, Oronce (1494 - 1555)


Fisher, Ronald A. (1890 - 1962)


Flamsteed, John (1646 - 1719)


Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph (1768 - 1830)*


Frankel, Adolf Abraham (1891 - 1965)


Fréchet, Maurice R. (1878 - 1973)


Fredholm, Ivar (1866 - 1927)


Frege, Gottlob (1848 - 1925)


Frisius, Gemma (1508 - 1555)*


Frobenius, Georg (1849-1917)  (A sketch %)


Fueter, Karl Rudolf (1880 - 1950)


Galileo Galilei (1564-1643) (A second portrait)


Galois, Évariste (1811 - 1832)


Galton, Sir Francis (1822 - 1911)


Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777 - 1855)


Gelfond, Aleksandr O. (1906 - 1968)


Germain, Sophie (1716-1831)


Gibbs, Josiah Willard (1839 - 1903)


Gleason, Andrew (1921 - 2008)


Gödel, Kurt (1906 - 1978)


Gordan, Paul (1837-1912)


Grassmann, Hermann (1809 - 1872)


Gregory, James (1638 - 1675)*


Guo Shoujing (1231 - 1316)


Guthrie, Francis (1831 – 1899)


Hadamard, Jacques (1865-1963) (A second portrait)  (A sketch %)


Hales, Thomas (1958- )


Halley, Edmond (1656 – 1742)


Halmos, Paul (1916 - 2006)


Hamilton, William Rowan (1805-1865)


Hankel, Herman (1839 – 1873)


Hardy, Godfrey Harold (1877 - 1947)


Harriot, Thomas (1560–1621) (A second portrait)


Hausdorff, Felix (1868 - 1942)


Heaviside, Oliver (1850 – 1925)


Heawood, Percy (1861 - 1955)


Heegaard, Poul (1871 – 1948)


Heine, Eduard Heinrich (1821 - 1881)


Helly, Eduard (1884 - 1943)


Hensel, Kurt (1861 - 1941)


Hermann, Jakob (1678 - 1733)


Hermite, Charles (1822 - 1901)


Heron of Alexandria (c. 10 - 75)


Herschel, Caroline Lucretia (1750 - 1848)


Herschel, John (1792 - 1871)


Hesse, Ludwig Otto (1811-1874)


Hilbert, David (1862 - 1943)


Hildebrant, John A. (1935 - 2003)


Hille, Einar (1899 - 1980)


Hipparchus of Rhodes (190 BCE - 120 BCE)  (A second image)


Hippocrates of Chios (c. 470 BCE - 410 BCE)


Hironaka, Heisuke (1931 - )


Hirsch, Kurt (1906 – 1986)


Hodge, William (1903 - 1975)


Hodgson, James (1672 - 1755)*


Holmboe, Bernt (1795 – 1850)


Honda, Taira (1932 - 1975)


Hooke, Robert (1635 - 1703)


Hopf, Heinz (1894 - 1971)


Hsu, Pao-Lu (1910 - 1970)


Hudde, Johann (1628 - 1704)


Huygens, Christiaan (1629 - 1695)*


Hypatia (355 - 415)


Ikeda, Maratoshi (1926 - 2003)


Ito, Kiyosi (1915 - 2008)


Iwasawa, Kenkichi (1917 - 1998)


Jabir ibn Aflah  (c. 1100 - 1160)


Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jakob (1804 - 1851)*


Jones, William (1675 - 1749)


Jordan, Camille (1838 - 1922)


Julia, Gaston Maurice (1893 - 1978)


Jung, Heinrich (1876 - 1953)


Karp, Carol  (1926 – 1972)


Kempe, Alfred Bray (1849 – 1922)


Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630) (A second and third portrait)


Khayyam, Omar (ca. 1044-1123)


Khinchin, Aleksandr (1894 - 1959)


Klein, Felix (1849 - 1925)


Kneser, Adolf (1862-1930)%


Koch, Helge von:  See Von Koch, Helge


Kodaira, Kunihiko (1915 - 1997)


Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich (1913 - 1987)


Kőnig, Denes (1884 - 1944)


Konig, Samuel (1712 - 1757)


Kovalevskaya, Sonya (1850-1891)


Kowa, Seki Takokozu (1642 - 1708)


Kronecker, Leopold (1832-1891)  (First % and second sketches %)


Kua, Shen (1031 - 1095)


Kues, Nikolaus von:  See Von Kues, Nikolaus


Kummer, Ernst (1810 - 1893)


Lagrange, Joseph Louis (1736 - 1813)*


Lakatos, Imre (1922 – 1974)


Lamb, Horace (1849 - 1934)


Lambert, Johann Heinrich (1728 - 1777)*


Lamé, Gabriel (1795 - 1870)


Laplace, Pierre Simon (1749-1827)* (A second portrait)


Lasker, Emanuel (1868-1941) (A second portrait)


Lebesgue, Henri (1875-1941)  (A sketch %)


Lefschetz, Solomon (1884 – 1972)


Legendre, Adrien Marie (1752 - 1833)*


Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646 - 1716)*


Leonardo of Pisa (ca. 1175-1250)


Leslie, John (1766 - 1832)


Li, Shanlan (1811 - 1882)


Lie, Sophus (1842 - 1899)


Lindemann, Carl Louis von:  See Von Lindemann, Carl Louis


Liouville, Joseph (1809 - 1882)


Lissajous, Jules Antoine (1822 - 1880)


Listing, Johann Benedict (1808 – 1882)


Littlewood, John (1885 - 1977)


Liu Hui (ca. 250) (A second portrait)


Lobachevsky, Nikolai (1793 - 1856)


Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1853 - 1928)


Lorenz, Edward Norton (1917 - 2008)


Lovelace, Ada (Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace) (1815-1852)


Lucas, Edouard (1842 - 1891)


Lüroth, Jacob (1844 - 1910)


Lyapunov, Alexandr (1857 - 1918)


MacCullagh, James (1809 - 1847)


Macfarlane, Alexander (1851 – 1913)


Mac Lane, Saunders (1907 - 2005)


MacLaurin, Colin (1698 - 1746)*


Maestlin, Michael (1550-1631)*  (Second and third portraits)


Mandelbrot, Benoit (1924 - 2010)


Markov, Andrei (1856 - 1922)


Mascheroni, Lorenzo (1750 - 1800)


Maseres, Francis (1731 - 1824)


Matiyasevich, Yuri (1947- )


Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de (1698 - 1759)*


Maurolico, Francesco (1494 - 1575)


Maxwell, James Clerk (1831 - 1879)


May, Robert (1936- )


Mayer, Christian Gustav (1839 - 1907)


Melanchthon, Philipp (1497 - 1560)*


Menger, Karl (1902 - 1985)


Mercator, Gerardus (1512-1594)


Mersenne, Marin (1588 - 1648)


Mihailescu, Preda (1955 -  )


Miller, George A. (1863 - 1951)


Minkowski, Hermann (1864 - 1909)*


Mises, Richard von (1883 - 1953)


Mittag-Leffler, G. Magnus Gösta (1846 - 1927)


Möbius, August (1790 - 1868)


Monge, Gaspard (1746 - 1818)*


Montucla, Jean Etienne (1725 - 1799)*


Moore, Jonas (1627 - 1679)


Moore, Robert Lee (1882 - 1974)


Mordell, Louis (1888 – 1972)


Morgenstern, Oskar (1902-1976)


Morse, Marston (1892 - 1977)


Moufang, Ruth (1905 - 1977)

Portrait Gallery - A - M

Frank J. Swetz

The following images are to be used for educational/instructional purposes only. Those denoted by an asterisk * are supplied by the Dibner Library of Science and Technology, The Smithsonian Institution Libraries, and their usage must conform to the Library’s rules and standards. Those denoted by a # sign come from the David Eugene Smith Collection at Columbia University. Finally, those marked by a % sign are sketches drawn by Jemma Lorenat while she was a graduate student at Simon Fraser University. Note that portraits of mathematicians from earlier than the fifteenth century are only suggestive. We hope that readers will supply further portraits; contact the editors at convergence@maa.org.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N-Z


Aaboe, Asger Hartvig (1922–2007)


Abel, Niels Henrik (1802–1829)


Abraham, Max (1875–1922)


Adrain, Robert (1775–1843 )


Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896–1962)


Agnesi, Maria (1718–1799)


Airy, George B. (1801–1892)#


Al-Biruni, Ahmad (973–1048) (A second portrait)


Al-Kashi, Ghiyath (1390–1450)


Al-Khwarizmi (ca. 800–847) (A second portrait)


Al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din (1201–1274)


Albert, Abraham Adrian (1905–1972)


Alcuin of York (735–804)


Apianus, Petrus (1495–1552)# (A second portrait)


Apollonius of Perga (ca. 262 BCE–190 BCE)


Archimedes (287 BCE–212 BCE)*


Archytas of Tarentum (428 BCE–350 BCE)


Arnauld, Antoine (1612–1694)#


Aronhold, Siegfried Heinrich (1819–1884)


Artin, Emil (1898–1962)


Atiyah, Michael (1929–2019)


Babbage, Charles (1791–1871)*


Bachet, Claude (1581–1638)


Bacon, Roger (1214–1292)


Baker, Henry (1866–1956)


Banach, Stefan (1892–1945)


Barrow, Isaac (1630–1677)*


Bayes, Thomas (1702–1761)


Beatty, Samuel (1881–1970)


Bede, The Venerable (ca. 673–735)


Beg, Ulugh (1393–1449)


Behnke, Heinrich (1898–1979)


Bell, Eric Temple (1883–1960)%


Beltrami, Eugenio (1835–1900)


Bernays, Paul (1888–1977)


Bernoulli, Daniel (1700–1782)*


Bernoulli, Jakob (1654–1705)


Bernoulli, Johann I (1667–1748)*


Bernoulli, Johann II (1710–1790)*


Bernoulli, Johann III (1744–1807)


Bernstein, Sergei (1880–1968)


Besicovitch, Abram (1891–1970)


Bessel, Wilhelm (1784–1846)


Betti, Enrico (1823–1892)


Bézout, Étienne (1730–1783)# (A second portrait)


Bing, R. H. (1914–1986)


Birkhoff, Garrett D. (1911–1996)


Blackwell, David (1919–2010)


Blaschke, Wilhelm (1885–1962)


Blichfeldt, Hans F. (1873–1945)


Bliss, Gilbert Ames (1876–1951)


Boeschenstein, Johann (1472–1540)


Boethius, Anicus (480–524)#


Bolyai, Janos (1802–1860)


Bolzano, Bernard (1781–1848)*


Bombelli, Rafael (1526–1572)


Bonnet, Pierre Ossian (1819–1892)


Boole, George (1815–1864)


Boole, Mary Everest (1832–1916)


Borel, Armand (1923–2003) (A second portrait)


Borel, Emile (1871–1956)


Bossut, Charles (1730–1814)


Bougainville, Louis Antoine de (1729–1811)


Bowditch, Nathaniel (1773–1838)


Brahe, Tycho (1546–1601) (A second# and third# portrait)


Brauer, Richard (1901–1977)


Brouncker, Lord W. (1620–1684)


Brouwer, Lutzen E. J. (1881–1966)


Bunyakovsky, Viktor (1804–1889)


Bürgi, Jobst (or Joost or Jost) (1552–1632)


Burnside, William (1852–1927)


Byron, Ada (Lady Lovelace) (1815–1852)


Cajori, Florian (1859–1930) (A second portrait)


Cantor, Georg (1845–1918)


Cantor, Moritz (1829–1920)*


Caratheodory, Constantin (1873–1950)


Cardano, Girolamo (1501–1576)


Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881)


Carnot, Nicolas Sadi (1796–1832)


Cartan, Elie Joseph (1869–1951)


Cartan, Henri Paul (1904–2008)


Cartwright, Mary Lucy (1900–1998)


Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625–1712)


Catalan, Eugène (1814–1894)#


Cauchy, Augustin Louis (1789–1857)*


Cavalieri, Buenaventura (1598–1647)


Cayley, Arthur (1821–1895)*


Cesaro, Ernesto (1859–1906)


Chasles, Michel (1793–1880)*


Châtelet, Émilie du (1706–1749) (A second# and third# portrait)


Chebyshev, Pafnuty (1821–1894)


Cheng Dawei (1533–1606)


Chern, Shing-Shen (1911–2004)


Chrysippus (280–206 BCE)#


Church, Alonzo (1903–1995)


Clairaut, Alexis Claude (1713–1765)*


Clausen, Thomas (1801–1888)


Clavius, Christoph (1538–1612)*


Clifford, William K. (1845–1879)


Cohen, Paul (1934–2007)


Cole, Frank N. (1861–1926)#


Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat (1743–1794)*


Cook, Stephen (1939– )


Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473–1543)


Cotes, Roger (1682–1716)


Courant, Richard (1888–1972 )


Coxeter, H. S. M. (1907–2001)


Crelle, August (1780–1855)


Cremona, Luigi (1830–1903)


D'Alembert, Jean le Rond (1717–1783)# (A second# portrait)


Dantzig, George (1914–2005)


Darboux, Jean Gaston (1842–1917)


De Bougainville, Louis Antoine (1729–1811)


Dedekind, Richard (1831–1916)


Dee, John (1527–1608)*


Dehn, Max (1878–1972)


Delambre, Jean (1749–1822)


Deligne, Pierre (1944– )


Democritus (460–370 BCE)#


De Moivre, Abraham (1667–1754)


De Morgan, Augustus (1806–1871) (A second# portrait)


De Rham, Georges (1903–1990)


Desargues, Girard (1591–1662)


Descartes, René (1596–1650)*


De Witt, Jan (1623–1672)


Dickson, Leonard E. (1874–1954)


Dini, Ulisse (1845–1918)


Dirichlet, Gustav P. L. (1805–1859)


Dodgson, Charles [Lewis Carroll] (1832–1896) (A second# and third portrait)


Douglas, Jesse (1897–1965)


Du Bois-Reymond, Paul (1831–1889)


Dürer, Abrecht (1471–1528)


Dyck, Walther von (1856–1934)


Eckmann, Beno (1917–2008)


Edgeworth, Francis (1845–1926)


Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1876–1964)*


Eilenberg, Samuel (1913–1998)


Einstein, Albert (1879–1955)


Eisenstein, Ferdinard Gotthold (1890–1962)


Enriques, Federigo (1871–1946)


Erdós, Paul (1913–1996)


Euclid (ca. 300 BCE)


Euler, Leonhard (1707–1783)* (A second* portrait)


Eves, Howard (1911–2004)


Fatio, Nicolas (1664–1753)


Faulhaber, Johann (1580–1635)


Fatou, Pierre (1878–1929)


Fawcett, Philippa Garrett (1868–1948)


Fermat, Pierre de (1601 or 1607–1665)


Feuerbach, Karl (1800–1834)


Feynman, Richard (1918–1988)


Fine, Henry Burchard (1858–1928)%


Fine, Nathan J. (1916–1994)


Fine, Oronce (1494–1555)


Fisher, Ronald A. (1890–1962)


Flamsteed, John (1646–1719)


Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph (1768–1830)*


Frankel, Adolf Abraham (1891–1965)


Fréchet, Maurice R. (1878–1973)


Fredholm, Ivar (1866–1927)


Frege, Gottlob (1848–1925)


Frisius, Gemma (1508–1555)*


Frobenius, Georg (1849–1917) (A sketch%)


Fueter, Karl Rudolf (1880–1950)


Galileo Galilei (1564–1643) (A second portrait)


Galois, Évariste (1811–1832)


Galton, Sir Francis (1822–1911)


Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777–1855)


Gelfond, Aleksandr O. (1906–1968)


Germain, Sophie (1776–1831)


Gibbs, Josiah Willard (1839–1903)


Gleason, Andrew (1921–2008)


Gödel, Kurt (1906–1978)


Gordan, Paul (1837–1912)


Gossett, William Sealy (1876–1937)


Grassmann, Hermann (1809–1872)


Gregory, James (1638–1675)*


Guo Shoujing (1231–1316)


Guthrie, Francis (1831–1899)


Hadamard, Jacques (1865–1963) (A second portrait) (A sketch%)


Hales, Thomas (1958– )


Halley, Edmond (1656–1742)


Halmos, Paul (1916–2006)


Hamilton, William Rowan (1805–1865)


Hankel, Herman (1839–1873)


Hardy, Godfrey Harold (1877–1947)


Harriot, Thomas (1560–1621) (A second portrait)


Hausdorff, Felix (1868–1942)


Heaviside, Oliver (1850–1925)


Heawood, Percy (1861–1955)


Heegaard, Poul (1871–1948)


Heine, Eduard Heinrich (1821–1881)


Helly, Eduard (1884–1943)


Hensel, Kurt (1861–1941)


Hermann, Jakob (1678–1733)


Hermite, Charles (1822–1901)


Heron of Alexandria (ca. 10–75)


Herschel, Caroline Lucretia (1750–1848)


Herschel, John (1792–1871)


Hesse, Ludwig Otto (1811–1874)


Hilbert, David (1862–1943)


Hildebrant, John A. (1935–2003)


Hille, Einar (1899–1980)


Hipparchus of Rhodes (190 BCE–120 BCE) (A second image)


Hippocrates of Chios (ca. 470 BCE–410 BCE)


Hironaka, Heisuke (1931– )


Hirsch, Kurt (1906–1986)


Hodge, William (1903–1975)


Hodgson, James (1672–1755)*


Holmboe, Bernt (1795–1850)


Honda, Taira (1932–1975)


Hooke, Robert (1635–1703)


Hopf, Heinz (1894–1971)


Hsu, Pao-Lu (1910–1970)


Hudde, Johann (1628–1704)


Huygens, Christiaan (1629–1695)*


Hypatia (355–415)


Ikeda, Maratoshi (1926–2003)


Ito, Kiyosi (1915–2008)


Iwasawa, Kenkichi (1917–1998)


Jabir ibn Aflah (ca. 1100–1160)


Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jakob (1804–1851)*


Jones, William (1675–1749)


Jordan, Camille (1838–1922)


Julia, Gaston Maurice (1893–1978)


Jung, Heinrich (1876–1953)


Karp, Carol (1926–1972)


Kempe, Alfred Bray (1849–1922)


Kepler, Johannes (1571–1630) (A second and third portrait)


Khayyam, Omar (ca. 1044–1123)


Khinchin, Aleksandr (1894–1959)


Klein, Felix (1849–1925)


Kneser, Adolf (1862–1930)%


Koch, Helge von: See Von Koch, Helge


Kodaira, Kunihiko (1915–1997)


Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich (1913–1987)


König, Denes (1884–1944)


Konig, Samuel (1712–1757)


Kovalevskaya, Sonya (1850–1891)


Kowa, Seki Takokozu (1642–1708)


Kronecker, Leopold (1832–1891)


Kua, Shen (1031–1095)


Kues, Nikolaus von: See Von Kues, Nikolaus


Kummer, Ernst (1810–1893)


Lagrange (depicted posthumously), Joseph Louis (1736–1813)* (A posthumous statue)


Lakatos, Imre (1922–1974)


Lamb, Horace (1849–1934)


Lambert, Johann Heinrich (1728–1777)*


Lamé, Gabriel (1795–1870)


Laplace, Pierre Simon (1749–1827)* (A second portrait)


Lasker, Emanuel (1868–1941) (A second portrait)


Lebesgue, Henri (1875–1941) (A sketch%)


Lefschetz, Solomon (1884–1972)


Legendre, Adrien Marie (1752–1833)*


Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646–1716)*


Leonardo of Pisa (ca. 1175–1250)


Leslie, John (1766–1832)


Li, Shanlan (1811–1882)


Lie, Sophus (1842–1899)


Lindemann, Carl Louis von: See Von Lindemann, Carl Louis


Liouville, Joseph (1809–1882)


Lissajous, Jules Antoine (1822–1880)


Listing, Johann Benedict (1808–1882)


Littlewood, John (1885–1977)


Liu Hui (ca. 250) (A second portrait)


Lobachevsky, Nikolai (1793–1856) (A second portrait)


Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1853–1928)


Lorenz, Edward Norton (1917–2008)


Lovelace, Ada (Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace) (1815–1852)


Lucas, Edouard (1842–1891)


Lüroth, Jacob (1844–1910)


Lyapunov, Alexandr (1857–1918)


MacCullagh, James (1809–1847)


Macfarlane, Alexander (1851–1913)


Mach, Ernst (1838–1916)


Mac Lane, Saunders (1907–2005)


MacLaurin, Colin (1698–1746)*


Maestlin, Michael (1550–1631)* (A second and third portrait)


Mandelbrot, Benoit (1924–2010)


Markov, Andrei (1856–1922)


Mascheroni, Lorenzo (1750–1800)


Maseres, Francis (1731–1824)


Matiyasevich, Yuri (1947– )


Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de (1698–1759)*


Maurolico, Francesco (1494–1575)


Maxwell, James Clerk (1831–1879)


May, Robert (1936–2020)


Mayer, Christian Gustav (1839–1907)


Melanchthon, Philipp (1497–1560)*


Menger, Karl (1902–1985)


Mercator, Gerardus (1512–1594)


Mersenne, Marin (1588–1648)


Mihailescu, Preda (1955– )


Miller, George A. (1863–1951)


Minkowski, Hermann (1864–1909)*


Mises, Richard von (1883–1953)


Mittag-Leffler, G. Magnus Gösta (1846–1927)


Möbius, August (1790–1868)


Monge, Gaspard (1746–1818)*


Montucla, Jean Etienne (1725–1799)*


Moore, Jonas (1627–1679)


Moore, Robert Lee (1882–1974)


Mordell, Louis (1888–1972)


Morgenstern, Oskar (1902–1976)


Morse, Marston (1892–1977)


Moufang, Ruth (1905–1977)

Portrait Gallery - N-Z

Frank J. Swetz

The following images are to be used for educational/instructional purposes only. Those denoted by an asterisk * are supplied by the Dibner Library of Science and Technology, The Smithsonian Institution Libraries, and their usage must conform to the Library’s rules and standards. Those denoted by a # sign come from the David Eugene Smith Collection at Columbia University. Finally, those marked by a % sign are sketches by Jemma Lorenat (at Pitzer College as of 2016). Note that portraits of mathematicians from earlier than the fifteenth century are only suggestive. We hope that readers will supply further portraits.

A-M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Nash, John Forbes (1928–2015)


Napier, John (1550–1617)*


Nelson, Evelyn Roden (1943–1987)


Netto, Eugen (1848–1919) (A sketch %)


Neugebauer, Otto (1899–1990)


Neumann, Bernhard (1909–2002)


Neumann, Hanna (1914–1971)


Neumann, John von: See Von Neumann, John


Newcomb, Simon (1835–1910)


Newton, Isaac (1642–1727)*


Neyman, Jerzy (1894–1981)


Nicomachus (ca. 100)


Nieuwland, Pieter (1764–1794)


Nightingale, Florence (1820–1910)


Noether, Emmy (1882–1935)


Nunes, Pedro Salaciene (1502–1578)


Oldenburg, Henry (ca. 1615–1677)


Ore, Øystein (1899–1964)


Oresme, Nicole (1323–1382)


Osgood, William F. (1864–1943)


Ostrogradsky, Mikhail (1801–1861)


Oughtred, William (1574–1660) (a second portrait)
Note: The first portrait, by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607–1677), was included in the Bibliotheca Chalcographica (1652–1669).


Pacioli, Luca (1445–1509)


Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662)*


Peacock, George (1791–1858)


Peano, Giuseppe (1858–1932)


Pearson, Karl (1857–1936)


Peirce, Benjamin (1809–1890)


Penrose, Roger (1931– )


Perelman, Grigori (1966– )


Perron, Oskar (1880–1975)


Pfaff, Johann Friedrich (1765–1825)


Pick, Georg Alexander (1859–ca. 1943)


Plateau, Joseph Antonine (1801–1883)


Playfair, John (1748–1819)*


Plucker, Julius (1801–1868)*


Poincaré, Henri (1854–1912)*


Poinsot, Louis (1777–1859)


Poisson, Siméon-Denis (1781–1840)*


Pompeiu, Dimitrie (1873–1954)


Poncelet, Jean Victor (1788–1867)*


Ptolemy (ca. 100–ca. 170)*


Pythagoras (ca. 580 BCE–ca. 500 BCE)*


Quetelet, Adolphe (1796–1874)


Radó, Tibor (1895–1965)


Rajagopal, Cadambathur (1903–1978)


Ramus, Petrus (1515–1572)*


Ramanujan, Srinivasa (1887–1920)


Ramsey, Frank (1903–1930)


Rayleigh, Lord [John William Strutt] (1842–1919)


Recorde, Robert (1510–1558)


Regiomontanus, Johannes (1436–1476)*


Rejewski, Marian (1905–1980)


Renyi, Alfred (1921–1970)


Rheticus, Georg Joachim von (1514–1574)


Riccati, Vincenzo (1707–1775)


Ricci, Matteo (1552–1610)


Ricci-Curbastro, G. (1853–1925)


Riemann, Bernhard (1826–1866)*


Ries [Riese], Adam (1492–1559)


Riesz, Frigyes (1880–1956)


Robinson, Abraham (1918–1974)


Robinson, Julia (1919–1985)


Rudin, Mary Ellen (1924–2013)


Ruffini, Paolo (1765–1822)


Runge, Carl (1856–1927)


Runkle, John D. (1822–1902)


Russell, Bertrand (1872–1970)


Saint-Vincent, Gregorius (1584–1667)


Salmon, George (1819–1904)


Saunderson, Nicholas (1682–1739)*


Scheffé, Henry (1907–1977)


Schering, Ernst Christian Julius (1824–1889)*


Scherk, Heinrich (1798–1885)


Schickard, Wilhelm (1592–1635)


Schläfli, Ludwig (1814–1895)


Schönflies, Arthur Moritz (1853–1928)


Schottky, Friedrich Hermann (1851–1935)


Schouten, Jan Arnoldus (1883–1971)


Schröder, Ernst (1841–1902)


Schwartz, Laurent (1915–2002)


Schwarzschild, Karl (1873–1916)


Scott, Charlotte Angas (1858–1931)


Seidenberg, Abraham (1916–1988)


Serret, Joseph Alfred (1819–1885)


Shannon, Claude (1916–2001)


Sharp, Abraham (1653–1742)


Shen Kua (1031–1095)


Shnirelmann, Lev G. (1905–1938)


Siegel, Carl Ludwig (1896–1981)


Sierpinski, Waclaw (1882–1969)


Simpson, Thomas (1710–1761)


Skolem, Thoralf A. (1887–1963)


Slaught, Herbert (1861–1937)


Smale, Stephen (1930– )


Smullyan, Raymond (1919–2017)


Snell, Willebrord (1580–1626)


Somerville, Mary (1780–1872)


Sommerfeld, Arnold (1868–1951)


Sommerville, Duncan M. Y. (1879–1934)


Staudt, Karl G.C. von (1798–1867)


Steiner, Jacob (1796–1863)


Steinitz, Ernst (1871–1928)


Stevin, Simon (1548–1620)


Stewart, Ian (1945– )


Stickelberger, Ludwig (1850–1936)


Stieltjes, Thomas (1856–1894)


Stokes, George Gabriel (1819–1903)*


Story, William (1850–1930)


Stott, Alicia Boole (1860–1940)


Sturm, Leonhard Christoph (1669–1719)*


Sylow, Peter Ludvig (1832–1918)


Sylvester, James Joseph (1814–1897)*


Tait, Peter Guthrie (1831–1901)


Takagi, Teyi (1875–1960)


Taniyama, Yukata (1927–1958)


Tannery, Paul (1843–1904)


Tarry, Gaston (1843–1913)


Tarski, Alfred (1902–1983)


Tartaglia, Niccolò (1499–1557)*


Taussky-Todd, Olga (1906–1995)


Taylor, Brooke (1685–1731)


Thabit ibn Qurra (836–901)


Thales of Miletus (ca. 624 BCE–547 BCE)


Thom, René (1923–2002)


Thue, Axel (1863–1922)


Tietze, Heinrich Franz (1880–1964)


Titchmarsh, Edward (1899–1963)


Toeplitz, Otto (1881–1940)


Torricelli, Evangelista (1608–1647)


Tschirnhaus, Ehrenfried von (1651–1708)


Tucker, Albert (1905–1995)


Turing, Alan (1912–1954)


Ulam, Stanislav (1909–1984)


Vacca, Giovanni E (1872–1953)


Van Ceulen, Ludolph (1540–1610)


Van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert (1903–1996)


Van Schooten, Frans (1615–1660)


Van Vleck, Edward (1863–1943)


Varignon, Pierre (1654–1722)*


Veblen, Thorsten (1857–1929)


Venn, John (1834–1923)


Verhulst, Pierre François (1804–1849)


Vessiot, Ernest (1865–1952)


Viète, François (1540–1603)*


Vinogradov, Ivan M. (1891–1983)


Vitali, Giuseppe (1875–1932)


Viviani, Vincenzo (1622–1703)


Voigt, Woldemar (1850–1919)


Volterra, Vito (1860–1940)


Von Koch, Helge (1870–1924)


Von Kues, Nikolaus (1401–1464)


Von Lindemann, Carl Louis (1852–1939)


Von Mises, Richard (1883–1953)


Von Neumann, John (1903–1957)


Wald, Abraham (1902–1950)


Wallis, John (1616–1703)*


Waring, Edward (1736–1798)


Weber, Heinrich (1842–1913)%


Weber, Wilhelm (1804–1891)


Wedderburn, Joseph (1882–1948) (A sketch %)


Weierstrass, Karl (1815–1897)*


Weil, André (1906–1998)


Weyl, Hermann (1885–1955)* (A sketch %)


Wheeler, Anna (1883–1966)


Whitehead, Alfred North (1861–1947)


Whitehead, Henry (1904–1960)


Whiteside, Derek Thomas (1932–2008)


Whitney, Hassler (1907–1989)


Wiener, Norbert (1896–1964)


Wiles, Andrew (1953– )


Wolff, Christian (1679–1754)


Wren, Christopher (1632–1723)


Wronski, Josef-Maria de (1778–1853)


Wythoff, Willem Abraham (1865–1939)


Xu Guangqi (1562–1633)


Yang Hui (1238–1298)


Yau, Shing-Tung (1949– )


Young, Lai-Sang (1952– )


Young, Grace Chisholm (1868–1944)


Young, William Henry (1863–1942)


Yule, George (1871–1951)


Zeckendorf, Edouard (1901–1983 )


Zeno of Elea (490 BC–425 BC)


Zermelo, Ernst (1871–1953) (A sketch %)


Zeuthen, Hieronymus (1839–1920)


Zorn, Max (1906–1993)


Zu Chongzhi (429–501)


Zygmund, Antoni (1900–1992)