Flash Tools for Developers (AS3): Graphing curves in the plane - Getting the Files

Barbara Kaskosz, Doug Ensley

The file planar_tools_as3.zip consists of a compressed folder with the following contents:

  • The files fun_graph_as3_template1 (html/swf/fla) for the Function Grapher Template 1.
  • The files fun_graph_as3_template2 (html/swf/fla) for the Function Grapher Template 2.
  • The files param_basic_as3 (html/swf/fla) for the Parametric Grapher Template.
  • The file AC_RunActiveContent.js that is required for the html/swf files to work properly.
  • The folder bkde contains the package bkde.as3.*, which includes the classes used in the templates. This folder must be present in whatever directory you are writing your Flash files in.
  • The file planar_tools_as3_guide.pdf which provides complete documentation of the classes with references to the three template files for examples.