Images of F - Applet Description

Steve Phelps (Madeira High School)

This interactive Geogebra applet allows exploration of a linear transformation in terms of images of a closed figure that happens to be in the shape of the letter F initially.  The Geogebra interface allows dragging of points and vectors to make for versatile explorations of basic linear algebra ideas. Suggested activities and exercises using the tool are included on page 2 of this posting and as a separate pdf file for easy printing.

Steve Phelps

Madeira High School
& GeoGebra Institute of Ohio

Geogebra is an open source exploration/development tool that allows the creation of applets using a Java-based "player" understood by most browsers.  If you have difficulty loading the applet, see for more information on the system/browser/java requirements for viewing Geogebra applications.

Images of F -- Thumbnail

Click here or on the screen shot above to open the applet in a separate window.