'He Advanced Him 200 Lambs of Gold': The Pamiers Manuscript - Bibliography

Randy K. Schwartz (Schoolcraft College)

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Hughes, Barnabas, Fibonacci’s De Practica Geometrie (New York: Springer Verlag, 2008).

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Nugent, Patricia M., “Lattice Multiplication in a Preservice Classroom”, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 13:2 (Sept. 2007), pp. 110-113.

PedagoNet, “Lattice Multiplication,” uploaded on November 18, 2006

Sanford, Vera, The History and Significance of Certain Standard Problems in Algebra (New York: AMS Press, 1972; originally published 1927).

Schwartz, Randy K., “Combining Strands of Many Colors: Episodes from Medieval Islam for the Mathematics Classroom,” Loci: Convergence, Vol. 7 (August 2010), DOI: 10.4169/loci003546,

Schwartz, Randy K., “Adapting the Medieval ‘Rule of Double False Position’ to the Modern Classroom,” Chapter 5 (pp. 29-38) in Dick Jardine and Amy Shell-Gellasch (eds.), Mathematical Time Capsules: Historical Modules for the Mathematics Classroom (Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America, 2011).

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Smith, David Eugene, History of Mathematics, Vol. 2, “Special Topics of Elementary Mathematics” (New York: Dover, 1968).

Spiesser, Maryvonne, “Nombre et Pratiques Calculatoires dans la Tradition Commerciale du XVe Siecle: L’Exemple des ‘Arithmetiques’ du Sud de la France,” in Actes du Colloque “La Pensée Numérique” (Peyrasq, France, 2002). Available from

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