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Crossword Puzzle: Mathematicians from A to Z

Sid Kolpas (Delaware County Community College) and Stu Ockman

Try your hand at a crossword puzzle with a history of mathematics theme, "Mathematicians from A (1-Down) to Z (64-Down)." Use the following links to download the puzzle and, if you wish, its solution:

Mathematicians from A to Z Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Solution

Editor's Note

When longtime Glendale Community College mathematics professor Sid Kolpas moved from Southern California to Eastern Pennsylvania a few years ago, he learned that one of his new neighbors, Stu Ockman, was not only a fellow crossword puzzle enthusiast, but also a professional crossword puzzle constructor. Sid and Stu soon began work on the puzzle presented here. We are grateful for their contribution to MAA Convergence and we hope they'll collaborate on more mathematical crossword puzzles in the future!

This puzzle also appears on page 2 (inside front cover) of the February 2017 issue of Math Horizons (Volume 24, Issue 3). Math Horizons is the vibrant, fun, and accessible MAA magazine for students, educators, practitioners, and enthusiasts of mathematics. If you are not already a subscriber, we urge you to visit the Math Horizons website to learn how to sign up for a personal or departmental subscription (or both). We thank Math Horizons editor David Richeson for his editorial and production assistance.

About the Authors

Sid Kolpas has a BA and MS in mathematics and an EdD in mathematics curriculum and instruction. He is an assistant professor of mathematics at Delaware County Community College in Media, Pennsylvania.

Stu Ockman is president of Ockman & Borden Associates, management consultants to the construction industry. His crosswords have appeared in the Jerusalem Post, Los Angeles Times, and New York Times.

Sid Kolpas (Delaware County Community College) and Stu Ockman, "Crossword Puzzle: Mathematicians from A to Z," Convergence (January 2017)