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This video derives the mean and variance of the Bernoulli distribution.
This is a basic article on the uniform distribution.
This is a basic article on the uniform distribution. The article fits the general format of Wolfram MathWorld articles on distributions: the basic properties are given with some derivations.
This page gives the characteristics of a binomial distribution, gives the function, two graphs, the mean and variance and discusses the normal approximation to the binomial.
Users can set \(\lambda\) and \(n\) and observe how the distribution changes. The Poisson distribution is shown in blue and the Normal approximation is overlaid in red.
This article gives a description of the Binomial Distribution. It has both graphic and functional forms of the cdf and pdf.

The Law of Large Numbers says that in repeated, independent trials with the same probability \(p\) of success in each trial, the chance that the percentage of successes differs from the probabi

A Java applet paired with a hands-on learning activity this activity to illustrate the theoretical meaning and practical implications of the Law of Large Numbers (LLN), present the LLN in varietie
