
This applet uses Swing. Support for Swing is not included with some versions of the Windows OS. To use this applet under Windows you may need to download a plug-in from http://java.sun.com/getjava/download.html

The red dot above represents the vector x. You can drag it to see the effect on the vector Ax represented by the blue dot. You can change the values of the coefficients a11, a12, a21, and a22, and the values of b1 and b2 by clicking on their current values.


Files and Documentation

Looking at Transformations Visually

This module uses Eigenvalue to help visualize a transformation

T : R--> R2

written as

y = T(x) = Ax

Basic files. These files are necessary if you want to develop your own module or to modify one of the existing modules using Eigenvalue. When these files are unzipped they will be placed in a new directory Eigenvalue_All. You should develop your own modules within the same directory. Your first step after unzipping this directory should be to double click the file transformations.html.

In the unlikely event that this does not work then try the file transformations_alternate.html. If you experience this difficulty then you will need to delete the code archive="Eigenvalue.jar" from the applet tags whenever you develop a module using Eigenvalue.

The User's Manual. This two page Microsoft Word document describes the features of Eigenvalue and how to use them.

Looking at Equations Visually

This module uses Eigenvalue to look at a system of two linear equations in two unknowns visually.

Be sure you have downloaded the files for the preceding module. This module builds on the previous module. Any new files you create for this module should be placed in the same directory as the files above.

An Introduction to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

This module introduces the ideas of eigenvalues and eigenvectors visually and in the context of population models.

Be sure you have downloaded the files for the preceding modules. This module builds on the previous modules. Any new files you create for this module should be placed in the same directory as the files above.

You will need the following additional files if you modify this module.