Trigonometric Series Approximations

Dan Sloughter

Dan Sloughter

Furman University

Two applets are included, one for visualizing the approximation of a square wave by trigonometric series, and the other for hearing successive approximations to the displacement curve of a sound wave generated by the tone C3 of an organ pipe. Exercises and references are provided.


Calculus II, Numerical Analysis


Systems supported: IE 5+, Netscape 4.7+

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Trigonometric Series Approximations

Dan Sloughter

Dan Sloughter

Furman University

Two applets are included, one for visualizing the approximation of a square wave by trigonometric series, and the other for hearing successive approximations to the displacement curve of a sound wave generated by the tone C3 of an organ pipe. Exercises and references are provided.


Calculus II, Numerical Analysis


Systems supported: IE 5+, Netscape 4.7+

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Trigonometric Series Approximations - Editorial Review

Dan Sloughter

This page consists of two applets for investigating approximation of waves by trigonometric series. One applet is a pretty standard approximation of a square wave, and the other uses audio files to allow the user to hear the successive approximations to the sound wave of a given musical tone. This is not only interesting from a calculus or numerical analaysis point of view, but it is also written in a way that would give nice motivation for students first studying trigonometric functions as appropriate models for periodic behavior. Exercises and suggested reading are included on the same page.

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