
John Jungck, Jennifer Galovich, Joe Reistetter
From the Biological ESTEEM collection

ESTEEM Category



The BioBayes module leads the user through several different methodologies for applying Bayesian probabilities to real life examples and problems. First, a 2-generation pedigree is examined using the classical, or "Platonist" approach of a Punnet square, and then the same pedigree is analyzed using Bayesian probabilities. Students are introduced to the fundamental equation underlying Bayesian probabilities and then asked to apply it to the pedigree. Second, the student uses two-way tables to calculate various conditional probabilities associated with HIV screening. Finally, using decision trees the student will calculate the likelihood of having a child with cystic fibrosis if the status of the mother as a carrier is unknown.

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John Jungck, Jennifer Galovich, Joe Reistetter
From the Biological ESTEEM collection

ESTEEM Category



The BioBayes module leads the user through several different methodologies for applying Bayesian probabilities to real life examples and problems. First, a 2-generation pedigree is examined using the classical, or "Platonist" approach of a Punnet square, and then the same pedigree is analyzed using Bayesian probabilities. Students are introduced to the fundamental equation underlying Bayesian probabilities and then asked to apply it to the pedigree. Second, the student uses two-way tables to calculate various conditional probabilities associated with HIV screening. Finally, using decision trees the student will calculate the likelihood of having a child with cystic fibrosis if the status of the mother as a carrier is unknown.

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BioBayes - References

John Jungck, Jennifer Galovich, Joe Reistetter

Popular Text Citations

Carlin B.P. (2000) Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for Data Analysis, Second Edition. New York: Chapman and Hall.

Lee P.M. (2001) Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press Inc.

Research Articles

Shoemaker J.S., Painter I.S., Weir B.S. 1999 Bayesian statistics in genetics. Trends in Genetics 15: 354-358.

Lange N., Carlin B.P., Gelfand A.E. 1992 Hierarchical Bayes models for the progression of HIV infection using longitudinal CD4 T-cell numbers. Journal of the American Statistical Association 87: 615-626

Wade, P.R. 2000 Bayesian methods in conservation biology. Conservation Biology 14: 1308-1316.

Education Research & Pedagogical Materials

Stansfield W.D., Carlton M.A. 2004 Bayesian statistics for biological data: pedigree analysis. The American Biology Teacher 66: 177-182