SMURCHOM: Providing Opportunities for Undergraduate Research in the History of Mathematics - References / About the Author

Sloan Evans Despeaux (Western Carolina University)


1. Faires, Doug. "The MAA-NSF Undergraduate Student Conferences Program." FOCUS 25 (1) (2005): 18-19.

2. Mayfield, Betty and Kimberly Tysdal. "A Locally Compact REU in the History of Mathematics: Involving Undergraduates in Research."  Loci: Convergence (February 2009).  DOI: 10.4169/loci003263.

About the Author

Sloan Evans Despeaux is an associate professor of mathematics at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina.  Besides teaching a wide range of mathematics courses, she teaches courses in the history of mathematics and an upper-level perspective on the history of the Scientific Revolution.  Her research interests include nineteenth-century mathematics, mathematicians, and scientific journals in Britain.  Her most recent publication is “Mathematics Sent Across the Channel and the Atlantic: Nineteenth-Century British Mathematical Contributions to International Scientific Journals” (Annals of Science 65 (1) (2008): 73-99) and she has contributed a chapter on Victorian mathematical journals and societies to a forthcoming volume on Victorian mathematics to be published by Oxford University Press.