Misterios Matemáticos de Rapa Nui con Actividades para el Aula de Clases: Referencias

Ximena Catepillán (Millersville University), Cynthia Huffman (Pittsburg State University) y Scott Thuong (Pittsburg State University)

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McCoy, Patrick Carlton. 1976. Easter Island Settlement Patterns in the Late Prehistoric and Protohistoric Periods. Bulletin 5, Easter Island Committee. New York: International Fund for Monuments, Inc.

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Ramírez Aliaga, José Miguel. 2004. Manejo del Recurso Arqueológico en Rapa Nui: Teoría y RealidadChungará (Arica) 36, supp. 1: 189–197. https://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0717-73562004000300049.

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