The Theorem that Won the War: References and About the Author

Jeff Suzuki (Brooklyn College)



Albert, A. Adrian. 1941, November 22. Some Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography. Invited paper, AMS 382nd Meeting, Manhattan, Kansas.

Christensen, Chris. 2007, October. Polish Mathematicians Finding Patterns in Enigma Messages. Mathematics Magazine 80(4): 4.

Hardy, G. H. 1940. A Mathematician’s Apology. Cambridge University Press. Reprinted with annotations and commentary by Alan J. Cain in An Annotated Mathematician's Apology, 1–69. Lisbon, 2019. Ebook, version 0.92.56 (2023-08-07).

Jackson, John. n.d. Bombe History. The National Museum of Computing, Bletchley Park.

Rejewski, Marian. 1980. An Application of the Theory of Permutations in Breaking the Enigma Cipher. Applicaciones Mathematicae 16(4): 5435–5459.


About the Author

Jeff Suzuki is Professor of Mathematics at Brooklyn College. During the pandemic, he missed a meeting and was elected Department Chair. Prior to that time, he has written on the history of mathematics; the uses of mathematics in constitutional law; and the mathematics behind recent patents. His educational videos on mathematics and other random subjects may be found on his YouTube channel at His current work includes devising best practices for giving online exams and coauthoring an inquiry-based approach to abstract algebra.