D'Alembert, Lagrange, and Reduction of Order - Back to the Classroom

Sarah Cummings (Wittenberg University) and Adam E. Parker (Wittenberg University)

In general, the authors agree with Demidov, who stated, “D'Alembert's method was simpler and more convenient than Lagrange's; no wonder it is widely used today” [4, p. 372].  However, when \(L\) is self-adjoint, the problems are easy and appropriate for undergraduates to solve using Lagrange's method.

Question 4.  Given that \(y_1=x^{-1}\) is a solution to the third order self-adjoint linear differential equation

\[2x^3 y'''+9x^2 y''+6xy'=0,\]

find a second order differential equation.

Solution 4. If \(L_3(y) = 2x^3 y'''+9x^2 y''+6xy'\), then the above process gives \[\int z\,[2x^3 y'''+9x^2 y''+6xy'] dx =\]

\[\underbrace{(2x^3 zy''+(9x^2 z-(2x^3 z)')y'+((2x^3 z)''-(9x^2z)'+6xz)y}_{A(x,y,y',y'',z,z',z'')}+\int y L_3^*(z) dx\] \[= \int z \cdot 0 = k.\]

Since \(L_3^*  = L_3\) (checking this makes a good problem as well),  \(z= x^{-1}\) makes the integral \(\int y L_3^*(z) dx\) vanish.  We are left with bilinear concomitant and second order equation:

\[A(x,y,y',y'',x^{-1},(x^{-1})',(x^{-1})'') = 2x^2 y'' +5xy'+y = 0.\]

If Lagrange's method has a benefit, it is when multiple solutions are known.  This is particularly useful in the self-adjoint case. 

Question 5.  Given that \(y_1=x^{-1}\) and \(y_2=c\) are solutions to the third order self-adjoint linear differential equation

\[2x^3 y'''+9x^2 y''+6xy'=0,\] find all solutions.

Solution 5.  If \(L_3(y) = 2x^3 y'''+9x^2 y''+6xy'\), then the above process with \(y_1=x^{-1}\) gives \[\int z\,[2x^3 y'''+9x^2 y''+6xy'] dx =\]

\[\underbrace{(2x^3 zy''+(9x^2 z-(2x^3 z)')y'+((2x^3 z)''-(9x^2z)'+6xz)y}_{A(x,y,y',y'',z,z',z'')}+\int y L_3^*(z) dx\] \[= \int z \cdot 0 = k.\]

Since \(L_3^*  = L_3\),  \(z= x^{-1}\) makes the integral \(\int y L_3^*(z) dx\) vanish.  We are left with bilinear concomitant and second order equation

\[A(x,y,y',y'',x^{-1},(x^{-1})',(x^{-1})'') =2x^2 y'' +5xy'+y = 0.\]

Similarly, the above process with \(y_1=c\) leaves a bilinear concomitant and second order equation

\[A(x,y,y',y'',c,c',c'') =2x^2 y'' +3xy'= 0.\]

Combining  the two preceding equations to eliminate \(y'',\) we find

\[2xy'+y =0,\]

which gives the third solution \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{x}}\).

Simply having students execute Lagrange's method for non self-adjoint differential equations can be challenging, though appropriate for enrichment projects or to motivate integral transforms later in the course.

Question 6.  Given that \(y_1=x^{-1}\) is a solution of the second order differential equation \[y''+\frac{1}{2x}y'-\frac{3}{2x^2} y =0,\] find the second solution.

Solution 6.  We take the above equation, multiply both sides by an unknown function \(z(x),\) and integrate by parts multiple times to get that

\[\int z\left[y''+\frac{1}{2x}y'-\frac{3}{2x^2} y\right] dx = \int z \cdot  0 \,dx\] and

\[\underbrace{z y' - z' y +\frac{z y}{2x}}_{A(x,y,y', z, z')} + \int y[\underbrace{z''-\left(\frac{z}{2x}\right)'-\frac{3 z}{2x^2}}_{L_2^*(z)}]dx = c_1.\]

Simplification shows that \[L_n^*(z) = z''-\left(\frac{1}{2x}\right)z' - \frac{1}{x^2} z\] and we apply the above method to the differential equation \(L_2^*(z)=0\).  We multiply both sides by an unknown function \(w\), integrate, and apply integration by parts multiple times to get

\[\int w\left[z''-\left(\frac{1}{2x}\right)z' - \frac{1}{x^2} z\right] dx = \int w \cdot 0 \, dx\] and

\[\underbrace{wz'-zw'-\frac{wz}{2x}}_{B(x,z,z', w, w')} + \int z[\underbrace{w''+\left(\frac{w}{2x}\right)'-\left(\frac{w}{x^2}\right)}_{L_2^{**}(w)}]dx = c_2.\]

Now \(L_2^{**}(w)=0\) is the same differential equation as what we started with.  And so \(w=x^{-1}\) solves it, meaning the integral will evaluate to zero.  Hence we have reduced the problem to solving \[\frac{1}{x} z' - \left(\frac{-1}{x^2}\right) z - \frac{z}{2x^2} =c_2,\] which is a first order linear differential equation with solution \(z_1=  \frac{2 c_2}{5} x^2+ \frac{c_3}{\sqrt{x}}\).  Hence \(L_2^*(z_1) = 0\) and so \(\int y L_2^*(z_1)=0.\)  This means that \(A(x,y,y',z_1,z_1') = c_1\) and

\[y \left(\frac{c_3}{x^{3/2}}-\frac{3 c_2 x}{5}\right)+\left(\frac{c_3}{\sqrt{x}}+\frac{2 c_2 x^2}{5}\right) y' =c_1,\]

which has a solution

\[y(x) = \left(\frac{c_4 \left(5 c_3+2 c_2 x^{5/2}\right)}{x}-\frac{c_1}{c_2 x}\right) = Cx^{-1} + Dx^{\frac{3}{2}},\]

as desired.