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Concise Computer Mathematics

Ovidiu Bagdasar
Publication Date: 
Number of Pages: 
Springer Briefs in Computer Science
[Reviewed by
Charles Ashbacher
, on

As someone that has relied on them heavily in many subjects, I can attest that this book is a “Schaum’s© outline” by another name and in a smaller form. Each of the chapters opens with a short summary followed by a set of essential problems and then a set of supplementary problems. For example, the summary of the sets and numbers section takes up four and a half pages and solutions to all essential and supplementary problems appear at the end.

The chapter headings are:

  • Sets and numbers
  • Relations and databases
  • Functions
  • Boolean algebra, logic and quantifiers
  • Normal forms, proof and argument
  • Vectors and complex numbers
  • Matrices and applications
  • Matrix applications in computer graphics
  • Elements of graph theory
  • Elements of number theory and cryptography
  • Elements of calculus
  • Elementary numerical methods

As can be seen from these headings, the coverage is that of a basic course in discrete mathematics, albeit somewhat lacking in breadth. Due to the brevity of the introductions this book could not be used as a stand-alone resource for self-study that begins at the bottom, but it would be very useful for someone that needs a quick and effective review that includes problems. 

Charles Ashbacher splits his time between consulting with industry in projects involving math and computers, teaching college classes and co-editing The Journal of Recreational Mathematics. In his spare time, he reads about these things and helps his daughter in her lawn care business.

Sets and Numbers

Relations and Databases


Boolean Algebra, Logic and Quantifiers

Normal Forms, Proof and Argument

Vectors and Complex Numbers

Matrices and Applications

Matrix Transformations for Computer Graphics

Elements of Graph Theory

Elements of Number Theory and Cryptography

Elements of Calculus

Elementary Numerical Methods