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Convergence articles

Displaying 551 - 560 of 723

A description of a Research Experience for Undergraduates conducted in 2007 at Hood College.

A discussion of the meaning of mathematical unsolvability in the context of the history of Abel's proof of the unsolvability of the quintic equation in terms of radicals.

A copper water tank in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped is to made. If its length is to be a times its breadth, how high should it be that for a given capacity it should cost as little as possible?

I am a brazen lion; my spouts are my 2 eyes, my mouth, and the flat of my foot. My right eye fills a jar in 2 days, my left eye in 3, and my foot in 4.

The frustum of a circular cone has height 15.

One person possesses 7 asava horses, another 9 haya horses, and another 9 camels. Each gives two animals away, one to each of the others.

A series of circles have their centers on an equilateral hyperbola and pass through its center. Show that their envelope is a lemniscate.

Portraits of 92 living mathematicians, with autobiographical comments.

Find the two numbers such that multiplying one by the other makes 8 and the sum of their squares is 27

A collection of images of historical texts and tools to share with your students
