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Convergence articles

Displaying 711 - 720 of 723

Download the three winning essays to learn about medieval Islamic dust boards, Old Babylonian similarity, and the Fermat Problem.

A merchant woman buys and sells apples and pears. How much did she invest in apples; how much in pears?

Given a pendulum as shown. The height of the pendulum is two units and its horizontal width is 2 units. What is the area of the pendulum?

There were two men, of whom the first had 3 small loaves of bread and the other, 2.

A study of Mullikan's Nautilus, using movies to illustrate the important ideas

A square walled city of unknown dimensions has four gates, one at the center of each side.

A man plants 4 kernels of corn, which at harvest produce 32 kernels: these he plants the second year; now, supposing the annual increase to continue 8 fold, what would be the produce of the 15th year, allowing 1000 kernels to a pint?

How a translation of Peano's counterexample to the 'theorem' that a zero Wronskian implies linear dependence can help your differential equations students

Prove that if the sums of the squares of opposite sides of any quadrilateral are equal, its diagonals intersect at right angles.

Page from al-Khwarizmi's algebra text written in about 825. The proof of the rule for solving a quadratic equation of the form "squares plus roots equal numbers".
