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Mathematical Treasure: Hardy’s Course in Pure Mathematics

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

G. H. Hardy [Godfrey Harold Hardy] (1877-1947) was a colorful and well-respected English mathematician. He is particularly remembered for his accomplishments in number theory and mathematical analysis. In 1908, he published A Course in Pure Mathematics in which he specified the basic mathematics required of a British undergraduate aspiring to further studies in mathematics. These standards are admired and the book has gone through several editions.

Title page of A Course in Pure Mathematics by G. H. Hardy, third edition, 1921

Hardy explained his teaching objectives in his initial “Preface.”

Preface of A Course in Pure Mathematics by G. H. Hardy, third edition, 1921

An outline of studies in pure mathematics is provided by the "Contents.”

First page of the table of contents of A Course in Pure Mathematics by G. H. Hardy, third edition, 1921

Second page of the table of contents of A Course in Pure Mathematics by G. H. Hardy, third edition, 1921

Third page of the table of contents of A Course in Pure Mathematics by G. H. Hardy, third edition, 1921

Fourth page of the table of contents of A Course in Pure Mathematics by G. H. Hardy, third edition, 1921

Fifth page of the table of contents of A Course in Pure Mathematics by G. H. Hardy, third edition, 1921

Sixth page of the table of contents of A Course in Pure Mathematics by G. H. Hardy, third edition, 1921

The images above were obtained through the courtesy of the University of California Libraries. The book may be viewed in its entirety in the Internet Archive.

Index to Mathematical Treasures 

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Hardy’s Course in Pure Mathematics," Convergence (January 2018)