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Mathematical Treasure: Isaac Barrow's Euclidean Geometry

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Isaac Barrow (1630-1677) was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University from 1663 to 1669. In 1678, a revised and corrected edition of Isaac Barrow's Euclid's Elements, which originally appeared in 1655, was published.

Title page of Euclidis Elementorum by Isaac Barrow, 1678

On the first page of text, note Barrow’s reference to Tacquet’s Euclid

First page of Euclidis Elementorum by Isaac Barrow, 1678

Sample definitions and postulates from the book:

Page 5 of Euclidis Elementorum by Isaac Barrow, 1678

Page 9 of Euclidis Elementorum by Isaac Barrow, 1678

For the first English translation of this work, please see Mathematical Treasures: Isaac Barrow’s Edition of Euclid’s Elements.

These images are shown through the courtesy of the European e-rara archive, where the work may be viewed in its entirety.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Isaac Barrow's Euclidean Geometry," Convergence (July 2018)