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Mathematical Treasure: Malconet's Geometry for Self-Study

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Jacob Malconet was apparently an 18th-century German geometry teacher. His Selbst-Lehrende Geometrie of 1700 provides a course of self–study in constructive and applied geometry. It is an early example of mathematics literature specifically written for personal study.

Title page of Selbst-Lehrende Geometrie by Jacob Malconet, 1700

The first page of instruction begins with the question, “What is geometry?”

First page of Selbst-Lehrende Geometrie by Jacob Malconet, 1700

The following pages introduce basic definitions and concepts.

Page 9 of Selbst-Lehrende Geometrie by Jacob Malconet, 1700

Page 10 of Selbst-Lehrende Geometrie by Jacob Malconet, 1700

Page 11 of Selbst-Lehrende Geometrie by Jacob Malconet, 1700

These images are shown through the courtesy of the European e-rara archive, where this work may be viewed in its entirety.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Malconet's Geometry for Self-Study," Convergence (June 2018)