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Mathematical Treasure: Minkowski's Geometry of Numbers

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909) was a German mathematician active in strengthening the foundations of modern analysis. Minkowski’s Geometrie der Zahlen (Geometry of Numbers) was published in 1910.

.Title page of Geometrie der Zahlen by Herman Minkowski, 1910

An opening note to the reader sets a background for the study.

First page of opening comments in Geometrie der Zahlen by Herman Minkowski, 1910

Second page of opening comments from Geometrie der Zahlen by Herman Minkowski, 1910

A further Ankündigung (announcement or notice) reviewed where the work to follow had first appeared. Much of it had been published in 1896.

Announcement detailing where work had been previously published from Geometrie der Zahlen by Herman Minkowski, 1910

The table of contents provides an outline of the concepts considered.

First page of table of contents from Geometrie der Zahlen by Herman Minkowski, 1910

Second page of table of contents from Geometrie der Zahlen by Herman Minkowski, 1910

The images above were obtained through the courtesy of the University of California Libraries. The work may be viewed in its entirety in the Internet Archive.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Minkowski's Geometry of Numbers," Convergence (August 2018)