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Mathematical Treasure: Sylvestre Lacroix on Teaching

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Sylvestre Lacroix’s Essais sur L’Enseignement en Général, first published in 1805, became a pedagogical classic. A second edition was released in 1816.

Title page of Essais sur L’Enseignement en Général by Sylvestre Lacroix, second edition, 1816

The “Table of Contents” indicates the scope of this work.

First page of table of contents for Essais sur L’Enseignement en Général by Sylvestre Lacroix, second edition, 1816

Second page of table of contents for Essais sur L’Enseignement en Général by Sylvestre Lacroix, second edition, 1816

Third page of table of contents for Essais sur L’Enseignement en Général by Sylvestre Lacroix, second edition, 1816

To view similar pages from the fourth edition of this work in 1838, please see the Mathematical Treasure: Lacroix on Teaching Mathematics.

The images above were supplied through the courtesy of the University of Toronto. The work may be viewed in its entirety in the Internet Archive.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Sylvestre Lacroix on Teaching," Convergence (July 2018)