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Mathematical Treasure: Two Works of Heinrich Weber

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Heinrich Weber (1842-1913) was a German mathematician and served as professor of mathematics at several universities, including the University of Heidelberg and the University of Königsberg. In 1891, Heinrich Weber published his Elliptische Functionen und Algebraische Zahlen. The contents of this book reflect some of the mathematical research concerns of the late nineteenth century.

Title page of Elliptische Functionen und Algebraische Zahlen by Heinrich Weber

The table of contents provides a summary of the topics discussed in the work.

First page of table of contents of Elliptische Functionen und Algebraische Zahlen by Heinrich Weber

Second page of table of contents of Elliptische Functionen und Algebraische Zahlen by Heinrich Weber

Third page of table of contents of Elliptische Functionen und Algebraische Zahlen by Heinrich Weber

Fourth page of table of contents of Elliptische Functionen und Algebraische Zahlen by Heinrich Weber

Fifth page of table of contents of Elliptische Functionen und Algebraische Zahlen by Heinrich Weber

In 1895, Weber published his best known book, Lehrbuch der Algebra in two volumes. This text was a pioneering effort in the transition of algebra from its traditional form to its “modern” focus on structure. The second volume was extended into a third volume which appeared in 1903. This is the title page for the first volume.

Title page for Lehrbuch der Algebra by Heinrich Weber

The contents of the first volume provides a sense of the algebraic activity of the late nineteenth century. Note mention of the concepts of “gruppe” and “Körper” – group and field.

First page of the table of contents for the first volume of Lehrbuch der Algebra

Second page of the table of contents for the first volume of Lehrbuch der Algebra

Third page of the table of contents for the first volume of Lehrbuch der Algebra

Fourth page of the table of contents for the first volume of Lehrbuch der Algebra

Fifth page of the table of contents for the first volume of Lehrbuch der Algebra

Sixth page of the table of contents for the first volume of Lehrbuch der Algebra

Seventh page of the table of contents for the first volume of Lehrbuch der Algebra

The images above were obtained through the courtesy of the University of California Libraries. Both Elliptische Functionen und Algebraische Zahlen and Lehrbuch der Algebra may be viewed in their entirety in the Internet Archive.

Index to Mathematical Treasures 

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Two Works of Heinrich Weber," Convergence (January 2018)