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Problems from Another Time

Individual problems from throughout mathematics history, as well as articles that include problem sets for students.

Curve sketching, tangent lines, and optimization, explored via interactive applets
In a right triangle, let the perpendicular be 5 and the sum of the base and hypotenuse 25. Find the lengths of the base and hypotenuse
A general formed his men into a square, that is, an equal number in rank and file, and he found that he had an excess of 59 men.
The perimeters of two similar triangles are 45 and 135 respectively. One side of the first triangle has length 11 and a second side has length 19. Find the lengths of the sides of the second triangle.
Find the area of the elliptical segment cut off parallel to the shorter axis;
There is a lion in a well whose depth is 50 palms. He climbs and slips back a certain amount each day. In how many days will he get out of the well?
There are two numbers which are to each other as 5 and 6 and the sum of their squares is 2196. What are the numbers?
The third part of a necklace of pearls, broken in a lover's quarrel, fell to the ground...
How many calves, goats and pigs did the farmer buy?
Two men starting from the same point begin walking in different directions. Their rates of travel are in the ratio 7:3.
