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Mark R. Snavely, Wisconsin - Meritorious Service Award 2018

The MAA Wisconsin Section is proud to select Mark Snavely of Carthage College for the MAA Meritorious Service Award. Mark has distinguished himself in numerous services to the Wisconsin Section. He served on the MAA Wisconsin Executive Committee in the years 2002–2005 as Chair-elect (and thus conference organizer of the Spring Meeting), then Chair, and Past Chair; as Secretary/Treasurer for a six-year stint from 2006–2012, and then as Section Governor from 2014–2017. He served this role as governor during a very critical time when the Association rewrote its bylaws and shifted from the Board of Governors to the MAA Congress. In all, he served as a member of the executive committee of the section for an impressive period of twelve years in different capacities. Mark initiated the Executive Committee listserv and continues to maintain it. Mark has many of his undergraduate students give presentations at the MAA Section Spring Meeting and they compete in our Section Student Face OFF competition of which Mark is also the scorekeeper. Through his service, Mark embodies the vision and mission of the MAA.


I was surprised and honor to be nominated for the Meritorious Service Award by the Wisconsin Section. I would like to thank my colleagues in Wisconsin for nominating me for this award, for the amazing work they do for the section, and for the encouragement and inspiration they have provided over the years. It has been a pleasure to contribute my time and energy to such a worthwhile organization. Thanks also to the faculty at Carthage College, particularly the Mathematics Department. Their passion for mathematics and mathematics education makes every day a joy, and for that I am truly.


Mark Snavely earned his PhD and MA in mathematics at Northwestern University, and his BS in mathematics and computer systems from Grove City College. He joined the Carthage College faculty in 1990 and has chaired the Mathematics Department at Carthage since 1995. Mark is very active in undergraduate research, particularly in the areas of discrete mathematics and mathematical modeling. His students have presented their research at Pi Mu Epsilon conferences, meetings of the Wisconsin Section of the MAA, MAA MathFest, the Joint Meetings, and National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Outside of mathematics, Mark enjoys music, cooking, and coaching his son’s baseball team.