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A video explaining the concept of iterated expectations. The formula is developed, and consequences of that formula to the field of econometrics are discussed.
Wikipedia entry for Markov's Inequality. It contains a statement and proof and notes that Chebyshev's inequality is a corollary.
This page contains the definition of variance and higher moments using the expected value. It contains properties, with proofs, of variance, skew, and kurtosis.
A nice grid form of calendar that illustrates matching birthdays. A drop-down and limited range of choice for the number of birthdays is given.
This page provides definitions and formulas for calculating the mean and variance of random variables. Also, it provides several examples of the computation of these values.
This simple to use interface allows the user to select the number of dice to roll. The results of rolling the dice are shown in a new window by using pictures of the resulting dice rolls.
This applet generates a sampling distribution of three simulations: drawing numbers, rolling dice and flipping a coin.
Pass the Pigs is a commercial game in which the players roll plastic pigs as if they were dice and earn various points depending on how the pigs land.
The spinner simulation allows one to change the number of sectors and to adjust the sector sizes.
