Seashells: the plainness and beauty of their mathematical description

Examples: Gastropods

Tabled Neptune (Neptunea tabulata, spindle shape, [2, p. 129])

[alpha=87, beta=4, phi=-36, mu=1, Omega=-2, A=46, a=6, b=26, L=0]

(Click with the mouse over the picture to rotate it)

The neptunes are medium to large shells, found offshore in temperate or very cold waters of the northern hemisphere, some at great depths. The tabled neptune, of the Buccinidae family, is a thick, elongate shell with tall spire and slightly longer body whorl. Whorls have concave sides.
Habitat: deep water, West Canada to California.

[2] S. Peter Dance, Shells, Dorling Kindersley, 2002.

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