Parameter Plane

Parameter_Plane is designed for use in studying functions that depend on two related parameters. The functions may be defined by mathematical expressions or by initial value problems. The example above shows a system of two differential equations. In this example the display shows the phase plane and graphs of the individual functions as functions of time. The user can change the initial condition by clicking on the phase plane. The user can see the relationship between time and the two variables by clicking on a particular time in the right hand (green) graph. The corresponding point on the phase plane is marked by a dot.


Files and Documentation

The Cusp Catastrophe

This module studies how the family of functions

depends on the two parameters a and b. This dependence is particularly important for the study of bifurcations and catastrophes.

Basic files. These files are necessary if you want to develop your own module or to modify one of the existing modules using Parameter_Plane. When these files are unzipped they will be placed in a new directory Parameter_Plane_All. You should develop your own modules within the same directory. Your first step after unzipping this directory should be to double click the file cusp.html.

In the unlikely event that this does not work then try the file cusp_alternate.html. If you experience this difficulty then you will need to delete the code archive="Parameter_Plane.jar" from the applet tags whenever you develop a module using Parameter_Plane.

The User's Manual (.doc). This six page Microsoft Word document describes the features of Parameter_Plane and how to use them. This document is necessary only for advanced use of Parameter_Plane.

A four page document that has the information you need to create modules that are very similar to this module and do not use the more advanced features of Parameter_Plane.

Rabbits and Foxes

This module studies a simple predator-prey interaction. It also introduces the way in which Parameter_Plane can be used to study systems of differential equations.

Be sure you have downloaded the files for the preceding module. This module builds on the previous module. Any new files you download for this module should be placed in the same directory as the files above.

This three-page document describes how to use Parameter_Plane to show solutions of initial value problems and the phase plane.

You will also need the following files

A Spring-and-Mass System

This module studies a spring-and-mass system. It does not introduce any new features of Parameter_Plane

Be sure you have downloaded the files for the preceding modules. This module builds on the previous modules. Any new files you create for this module should be placed in the same directory as the files above.

The Effects of Friction and the Spring Constant

This module studies the effects of the spring constant and friction in a spring-and-mass system. It does not introduce any new features of Parameter_Plane

Be sure you have downloaded the files for the preceding modules. This module builds on the previous modules. Any new files you create for this module should be placed in the same directory as the files above.

Linear Systems

This module studies general linear systems. It does not introduce any new features of Parameter_Plane

Be sure you have downloaded the files for the preceding modules. This module builds on the previous modules. Any new files you create for this module should be placed in the same directory as the files above.

You will need this gif file.

You may also want to review the following documents --