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Today--March 14--Is Pi Day!

Today--March 14--Is Pi Day! 

March 14, 2008

Teachers, students, aficionados, and everyone else are invited to do any or all of the following today.

Measure Pi: After gathering a collection of circular objects, use string to measure the circumference of each object. Then divide each measurement by the object's diameter.
Research Pi: Find out about early efforts to calculate; mark these on a timeline.

Learn Pi: Students (of any age) find that they can recite 15 or more places of pi; some can get past the uselessness barrier of 50 places and on to 100 places or more.

Calculate Pi: Find a fraction that is better than 22/7 for calculating the digits of pi. Use pi on your calculator to work out diameters, circumferences, and areas of circles. Use an infinite series to find pi to even more places.

Hear Pi: Convert digits into notes and then play the tune within pi.

Act Pi: By creating a line of five similarly-sized people arranged finger-tip to finger-tip as the diameter, you find that you'll need about 16 more people to make a circle around this "diameter."

Display Pi: Make a large paper chain whereby each loop represents one digit, and then snake it around a building or school.


Start Date: 
Friday, March 14, 2008