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MAA Member Maria Klawe Inaugurated as Fifth President of Harvey Mudd College


Maria Klawe was inaugurated as the first woman President of Harvey Mudd College on February 2, 2007. For the past three years, Klawe was the dean of Princeton University's School of Engineering and Applied Science.

The National Mathematics Advisory Panel—An Update

By Fernando Q. Gouvêa

The May/June 2006 issue of FOCUS included a report about the creation, by Presidential order, of a National Mathematics Advisory Panel, intended to advise the President and his Secretary of Education about the results of research in mathematics education and how they might be used to improve the teaching of mathematics in American schools. Since then, the members of the NMP have been appointed and its first meetings have occurred.

Arthur Benjamin

MAA Names Arthur Benjamin - Mathematical Wizard, Writer, and Editor - A Pólya Lecturer

By Harry Waldman

George Pólya, renowned teacher and writer, embodied the high quality of exposition that the MAA seeks to encourage. To further this goal, the MAA created a George Pólya Lectureship in 1991. This year's Pólya Lecturer-the 16th such named-is Arthur Benjamin.

Each Section of the MAA is entitled to a Pólya Lecture for a Section meeting approximately once every five years.

Carleton College Program

Carleton College Program

By Deanna Haunsperger


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