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Critics Corner

Reviews of books, websites, poster sets, movies, and other resources for learning and teaching the history of mathematics.

A popular history of ancient mathematics, dealing with the mathematics of ancient Egypt and Babylonia.
A wonderful survey of the history of mathematics, emphasizing its relationship with the ambient culture.
A sketch of the history of topology, beginning with the polyhedron formula, but continuing up to the present.
Essays on various aspects of mathematical thought by prominent mathematicians of the past century.
In this fascinating and accessible book, the author devotes one lively, informative page of description and one striking, full-page illustration to each of 250 milestones in mathematics.
The story of the negative numbers
A collection of the Kenneth May lectures in the history of mathematics given at meetings of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Brief biographies of mathematicians with mathematical activities based on their work.
Two excellent volumes on Euler in honor of his three hundredth birthday
Posters illustrating mathematics concepts in such places as China, Japan, India, and the Americas.
