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This is a basic overview of the hypergeometric distribution with descriptions of expectation, variance, covariance, skewness, kurtosis, and hypergeometric function.
This lesson on the hypergeometric distribution includes notation, examples, calculator, and definitions. The material is written in a "student friendly" tone.
This applet demonstrating the hypergeometric distribution allows the user the choose \(N\) number of squares (where \(N= 12,20,49\), or \(51\)), and can select from \(K\) number of objects to be c
This webpage provides a very detailed and high-quality description of the Pareta Distribution.
This webpage provides a detailed and high-quality description of the Pareto Distribution.
Wikipedia entry for covariance. It contains definitions for covariance of random variables and random vectors; a discussion of properties; and the calculation of sample covariance.
This video is a review of the Probability 1 Module and includes three exercises. The first is the probability of choosing a non-blue marble from a bag with 9 red, 2 blue and 3 green marbles.
Extended detailed example on the process of creating a solution of a linear system from eigen-values and eigen-vectors. Clean homogeneous 2D system with initial condition.
Purchase your own non-orientable surfaces in a variety of glass-blown or hand-woven forms. Website is source material for in-class mathematical comedy.

An elegant planimeter applet. The user can pick from 6 built-in figures to compute the area by tracing around the perimeter.
