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January 17, 2002
By Mario Martelli   The Undergraduate Student Poster Session will be one of the highlights of the Friday...
January 01, 2002
Awards highlight excellence and promise in both research and education Last November 8, the National Science...
January 01, 2002
GIMPS finds 39th Mersenne Prime The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search has once again had a sucess. On December 6...
January 01, 2002
The National Science Foundation has just released the program solicitation for the Math and Science Partnerships (MSP)...
January 01, 2002
Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences in 2010: What Should Students Know? By Tom Berger and Harriet Pollatsek The...
January 01, 2002
MAA president Ann Watkins and Executive Director Tina Straley were part of a long list of leaders of scientific...
January 01, 2002
The Probability and Statistics Object Library is an NSF-supported virtual library of web-based "objects" for...
January 01, 2002
CNSF Coalition for National Science Funding 1527 Eighteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 588-1100...
November 01, 2001
History of Mathematics Has New SIGMAA By Herbert E. Kasube The History of Mathematics SIGMAA, known as...
January 01, 2001
MAA Governor-at- large Jacqueline Brannon Giles with Dr. Llayron L. Clarkson and Mrs. Charlotte Haynes of the...
