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NREUP 2009

California State University - Channel Islands

Title: Student Research in Graph Labeling


  • Cynthia Wyels
  • Maggy Tomova


Dates of Program: June 22 - July 31, 2009

Summary: Four students will conduct research in radio labeling of graphs. Specific research questions will be determined during the first week, following exploration of several open questions, and influenced by students' interests. Radio labeling is a form of distance labeling of graphs: it imposes a condition on the absolute difference of label values over pairs of vertices at all distances (whereas other forms of distance labeling restrict the pairs of vertices that must be considered to those with distances belonging to a smaller subset). Specifically, if c is the function assigning labels to vertices of a graph G and d is the usual graph distance, the c is a radio labeling of G if d(u,v) + |c(u) - c(v)| > diam(G) for every pair of distinct vertices u and v.

Student Researchers Supported by MAA:

  • Vanessa Espinoza
  • La Tisha Hospedales
  • Alba Romero
  • Kristin Tejeda

More Information:

Program Contacts:

Bill Hawkins

Michael Pearson
MAA Programs & Services