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NSF Has Hefty Funding Available for New Science Master's Programs

September 3, 2009

The National Science Foundation has announced that it is seeking just the right proposals that would "catalyze the creation" of Science Master's Programs (SMP) at U.S. universities. With $14,700,000 of stimulus (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) funds at its disposal, the Foundation hopes to hand out 21 grants, each of which could be up to $700,000 over three years. After that, the institutions are on their own.

The recruitment and retention of students from underrepresented groups in mathematics, science, and engineering is a priority. The stimulus money could, for instance, be used for graduate student stipends, educational and training activities, and the creation of courses in business, management, and public administration.

Letters of intent are due Oct. 5, 2009. Full proposals must be submitted by Nov. 20, 2009. Those that demonstrate a readiness to start the new SMP "expeditiously" will be given special consideration, according to the NSF.

Source: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Aug. 21, 2009; National Science Foundation.

Start Date: 
Thursday, September 3, 2009