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Building a Book: HathiTrust,, Serendipity, and Lifetime Interests – References and About the Author

David Lindsay Roberts (Prince George’s Community College)


Bell, Eric Temple. 1931. The Queen of the Sciences. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Company.

Bell, Eric Temple. 1937. Men of Mathematics. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Bird, J. Malcolm, ed. 1921. Einstein’s Theories of Relativity and Gravitation. New York: Scientific American Publishing.

Gibbs, J. Willard. 1902. Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Gillispie, Charles Coulston, ed. 1970. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 16 vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Goodstein, Judith R., and  Donald Babbitt. 2013. “E. T. Bell and Mathematics at Caltech between the Wars.” Notices of the American Mathematical Society 60(6):686–698.

Green, Judy, and Jeanne LaDuke. 2009. Pioneering Women in American Mathematics: The Pre-1940 PhD’s. History of Mathematics, vol. 34. Providence: American Mathematical Society; London: London Mathematical Society.

Gunther, John. 1947. Inside U.S.A. New York: Harper and Brothers.

Gunther, John. 1949. Death Be Not Proud. New York: Harper & Row.

Hill, Daniel Harvey. 1857. Elements of Algebra. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.

Hill, Daniel Harvey. 1858. A Consideration of the Sermon on the Mount. Philadelphia: William S. & Alfred Martien.

Jacob, Kathryn. 1976. “How Johns Hopkins Protected Women from ‘The Higher Influences’.” Association for Women in Mathematics Newsletter, 6(5):2–4.

Johnson, Robert Underwood, and Clarence Clough Buel, eds. 1884–1887. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War.  4 vol. New York: The Century Co.

Ladd-Franklin, Christine. 1896. “The Higher Education of Women.” The Century 53: 315.

Lieber, Lillian R., and Hugh Gray Lieber. 1932. Galois and the theory of groups: a bright star in mathesis. Lancaster: The Science Press Printing Company. Reprinted in 1945 and 1961, Brooklyn: Galois Institute of Mathematics and Art.

Lieber, Lillian R., and Hugh Gray Lieber. 1942. The Education of T. C. Mits. Brooklyn: The Galois Institute Press, Long island University.

Lieber, Lillian R., and Hugh Gray Lieber. 1945. The Einstein Theory of Relativity. New York: Farrar & Rinehart.

Poincaré, Henri. 1970. La Valeur de la Science. Paris: Flammarion. Originally published in 1905.

Roberts, David Lindsay. 2019. Republic of Numbers: Unexpected Stories of Mathematical Americans Through History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Zunser, Miriam Shomer. 1978. Yesterday: A Memoir of a Russian Jewish Family. New York: Harper & Row.

About the Author

David Lindsay Roberts is an adjunct professor of mathematics at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland. His historical research has focused on mathematics education in the United States from independence to the present. He would like to thank Convergence editors Amy Ackerberg-Hastings and Janet Heine Barnett for the initial impetus to write this article. He also wishes to acknowledge the helpful suggestions made by Dennis Huffman, Mary Dutterer, and two anonymous referees on earlier versions. And for his wife, Jenny Scott, this article answers the question, “Why do you need a picture of our linen closet?”

David Lindsay Roberts (Prince George’s Community College), "Building a Book: HathiTrust,, Serendipity, and Lifetime Interests – References and About the Author," Convergence (January 2022)