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Mathematical Treasure: Belo Moietta’s Trattato di geometria

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Trattato di geometria is dated to the end of the 15th century, ca 1486–1501. The manuscript originated in Venice, Italy. Little is known about its author, Belo Moietta. He discussed both the theoretical and applied aspects of geometry, but the illustrated pages shown here emphasize practical concerns during the Renaissance and the use of tools such as quadrants, rods, and mirrors.

Folio 016v-017r from Belo Moietta's Trattato di geometria.

Folio 018v-019r from Belo Moietta's Trattato di geometria.

Folio 023v-024r from Belo Moietta's Trattato di geometria.

Folio 0185v-086r from Belo Moietta's Trattato di geometria.

A partial digitization of MS. Canon. Ital. 197 is available from the Digital Bodleian website of the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Belo Moietta’s Trattato di geometria," Convergence (July 2023)